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Corporate Social Responsibility: A Management Approach for NGOs and Businesses

The topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become common knowledge and a highly relevant state of the art management approach. Never before has responsible business been as important as it is today. Within the last 15 years, CSR has developed from a US based trend to a holistic management approach. CSR was previously limited to a small number of major companies’ projects, whereas nowadays it can be implemented as a holistic management approach for every kind and size of organisation. Therefore, CSR is highly relevant for NGO strategies. Still, only a few are using this management approach strategically. What is Corporate Social Responsibility? How do you introduce and include CSR into the DNA of your organisation? Which consequences does the approach bring for stakeholder engagement? Last but not least: what are the benefits?

Ziel & Zielgruppe

Learn about CSR and experience its opportunities, boundaries, and practical implementation approaches from the perspective of NGOs and their respective stakeholder groups. Gain expertise and credibility in your stakeholder involvement, especially when it comes to strategic partnerships of NGOs with businesses as part of their CSR strategy.

The target groups of this seminar are CEOs and management, communication, and human resources employees.


  • What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
    • Definition
    • Characteristics
    • Development
    • Status quo & trends
  • Value of CSR
    • Benefits
    • External vs. internal view
    • Expertise and credibility within partnerships
  • CSR in Practice
    • How to develop and measure a CSR strategy
  • Individual Implementation of CSR
    • Internal analysis
    • Stakeholder identification and analysis
    • Stakeholder engagement measures
    • CSR & communication

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